You're welcome.
Není zač. / Prosím. /Neni Zach/ /ProSim/
I have lost my passport / bag.
How much is it?
Kolik to stojí? /KolikDoSdoii/
I'd like a receipt.
Where is the bus station / bus stop?
Where is the train station?
Where is the subway station?
When does the next bus / train leave for Prague ?
Kdy odjíždí příští autobus / vlak do Prahy? (這裡可以將布拉格空下,填入任一城市)
Where do I buy tickets? (for public transportation)
I'd like a return ticket to Prague
Chtěl bych zpáteční jízdenku do Prahy. (同上,城市名可空下用鉛筆填寫)
I'd like a seat reservation.
Cnci rezervavat na mis tenku do ___
Is this seat taken?